The Center for Territorial Government and Self-Government of the state budgetary educational institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Academy of Social Management" (hereinafter – the Center) carries out fundamental and applied research of legal problems of regional and local government and self-government.
The idea of the fundamental essential unity of regional and local authorities, based on the common task of serving the population by fulfilling the unified (by nature) powers of public authority in the sphere of the implementation of the internal functions of the state (mainly – ensuring the quality of life of its population in the broadest sense of the word), is a universally recognized postulate of the world political-legal and public administration science and acts as a conceptual basis and scientific priority of the conducted research.
The central event of the state-legal development of Russia (including the one that clearly consolidated the principle of unity of public power) was the constitutional amendment of 2020. The Center actively participated, both in terms of analyzing the proposed amendments and in the formulation of its own proposals, many of which were taken into account. This reform poses new challenges to regional public authorities. An important part of the work of the Center is comprehension and scientific and methodological support.
In modern conditions, the most important aspect of interaction of public authorities is the differentiation of competence between state authorities and local self-government bodies. In the research of this problem, the Center proceeds fr om the positions of its first annual report that the interaction of the state, local authorities and society should not become a barrier, but a boundary of conjugation, wh ere it is necessary to renew and also preserve the best, preserve and also update the necessary, develop and also strive for the future! Prospects for the development of legal regulation of the delimitation and redistribution of powers between the levels of public authority exercise remain a key focus of the Center's research. The basis for the development of this direction remains the implementation of the principle of unity of public power in modern society.
The Center's expert, normative and analytical activities are carried out in conjunction with practical Russian and foreign experience, taking into account the main trends in the development of foreign federalism and regionalism, as well as local government and self-government. The comparative legal aspect of research (both on a national and international scale) remains one of the main directions of scientific research.
The Center's expert and analytical activity is carried out on a broad methodological and empirical basis "at the forefront" of advancing and comprehending the most modern scientific ideas associated with the innovative and digital development of law and the state in the modern world. Thus, the Center's staff, together with representatives of Germany, explored ways to further develop the digitalization of public administration and local self-government. It is information technologies that mostly ensure the participation of the population in solving public affairs at the present stage of Russia's development, make power more accessible to citizens, accelerate and simplify the provision of public services. The experience of digitalizing the interaction of public authorities among themselves and with the population in the Moscow region deserves to be studied and spread both in other regions of the Russian Federation and abroad.
The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has significantly modified the life of society, the order of public administration and, as a result, the subject of the Center's work. The comparative legal aspect of such work also covered the sphere of interaction of various levels and bodies of the unified system of public authority in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Russian and Chinese experts under the aegis of the Center investigated conceptual and applied problems of interaction of public authorities among themselves and with society in the pandemic period. "Bringing the pandemic under control" through the activities of public authorities in Russia and in foreign countries remains a key task of science and practice and is firmly on the research agenda of the Center.
The Center monitors and analyzes the practice of the implementation of the public power in the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as in municipalities of the Russian Federation, public-territorial entities of foreign states. The scientific component is closely connected with the practical one, which allows the Center to comprehend the "eternal" problems of power in the perspective of the current humanity challenges, one of which was the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. The center of scientific and practical search is still forecasting ways to implement the principle of unity of public authority in ordinary and emergency management regimes.
The main direction of the scientific search and practical proposals of the Center remains the exercise of public power at the regional and municipal levels in the conditions of the "new normality". At the same time, the Center's research also covers interdisciplinary issues of public administration at all levels in the context of global challenges of our time, general problems of power and management, as well as problems of transformation of public power, primarily in the context of searching ways to improve public administration.
Research is carried out both in a public-legal way, and at the junction of jurisprudence, political science, management science and sociology.
People and society remain important priorities in the scientific and practical activity of the Center. Public power is effective when it is close and clear understandable to people. Hence the need for public authorities to interact not only with each other, but also with civil society institutions.
Territorial administration cannot and should not replace self-government. At the same time, the greatest degree of self-government should focus on the most optimal level for this - in local communities up to houses and entrances. Therefore, territorial public self-government is among the main research topics of the Center.
Under the auspices of the Center, the research of well-known Russian scientists and the best young researchers of the leading scientific centers of Russia (in particular, MSAL (Kutafin Moscow State Law University), HSE (National Research University Higher School of Economics), The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation) on topical issues of public power and management is combined.