

South Africa: SA Local Govt Hit List - Murder of Municipal Councillors and Officials Exposes the Dark Side of Politics

South Africa: SA Local Govt Hit List - Murder of Municipal Councillors and Officials Exposes the Dark Side of Politics

Where Are Americans Living the Longest? Infographics

Where Are Americans Living the Longest? Infographics

Canadian police search province for deadly stabbing suspects

Canadian police search province for deadly stabbing suspects

Ramaphosa on ‘super corruption’ in South Africa

Ramaphosa on ‘super corruption’ in South Africa

The World’s Rivers, Canals and Reservoirs Are Turning to Dust

The World’s Rivers, Canals and Reservoirs Are Turning to Dust

Waterways have dried to a trickle thanks to droughts and heat waves that owe their origins to climate change

London Mayor Warns Millions Could Be Left without Heat, Food in Winter

London Mayor Warns Millions Could Be Left without Heat, Food in Winter

South Africa’s Zulu nation to coronate new king amid tussle

South Africa’s Zulu nation to coronate new king amid tussle

A succession battle has dulled the shine on the forthcoming coronation ceremony of the Zulu monarch in South Africa

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