

Expect more name changes for towns and streets in South Africa

Expect more name changes for towns and streets in South Africa

South Africa is seeing a major semigration shift – here’s where people are going

South Africa is seeing a major semigration shift – here’s where people are going

Poverty index in India - infographics

Poverty index in India - infographics

South African court orders government to clean up air in coal belt

South African court orders government to clean up air in coal belt

More than 5,000 South Africans die annually in the coal belt

Elections in India - Poll of Exit Polls

Elections in India - Poll of Exit Polls

Gas prices in the United States - infographics

Gas prices in the United States - infographics

Cash-strapped municipality fails employees

Cash-strapped municipality fails employees

Staff disadvantaged by late payment of pension fund contributions and non-payment of life premiums

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