

Kannaland Municipality accused of 'reprehensible' conduct amid political appointments and alleged questionable transactions

Kannaland Municipality accused of 'reprehensible' conduct amid political appointments and alleged questionable transactions

Vaccinations, recent Covid-19 deaths, cases per capita - infographics

Vaccinations, recent Covid-19 deaths, cases per capita - infographics

Mass shootings heat map

Mass shootings heat map

Karnataka police to provide unarmed combat skill training to girls

Karnataka police to provide unarmed combat skill training to girls

Karnataka police is all set to train all the school and college-going girls with unarmed combat skills or self-defence

More than half of China's mainland provinces are limiting electricity use - infographics

More than half of China's mainland provinces are limiting electricity use - infographics

Water sources in Northern Oman - infographics

Water sources in Northern Oman - infographics

GHG emissions - infographics

GHG emissions - infographics

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